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Interface Devices and Controllers


Matrix Corporation

MD-DAADIO reduces system costs by combining high-performance D/A, A/D,and PIO functions on one double-height VMEbus board. The design allowsfor selective population of the D/A, A/D, and PIO sections to create themost cost-effective combination for a particular application.MD-DAADIO provides versatile operational configuration through boardcontrol and status registers. Programmable board parameters includeinterrupt level, vector and source registers, PIO port settings, PIOinterrupt mask, along with both D/A and A/D control and data registers.MD-DAADIO is an ideal single-board solution for most data acquisition andcontrol applications. Its unique combination of I/O functions, flexibleconfiguration, high throughput, and low cost makes MD-DAADIO anattractive alternative to multiboard solutions.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: SunOS Driver VME-based workstation system, dual-width to triple-width VME adapter board
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Matrix Corporation
1203 New Hope Rd
Raleigh, NC 27610
Phone: (919) 231-8000
        (800) 848-2330
Fax: (919) 231-8001